General Enquiries
George Parris
Artistic Director

Freelance singers with an interest in working with us are welcome to send details of their experience to info@thecaricesingers.co.uk. You will receive a reply from us. Details of any upcoming auditions will be announced here and shared on our social media channels.
Comments, Complaints, and anonymous feedback
We welcome comments and feedback about any aspect of our work. These, along with any complaints, should be sent to our general enquiries email address info@thecaricesingers.co.uk where a member of our team will get back to you. If you are submitting a complaint, then we recommend that you read our grievance procedure at the same time as your submission.​
If your comment or complaint relates to a safeguarding matter, please refer to our Safeguarding Policy.
For anyone wishing to submit feedback to us anonymously, please do so here.
Board of Trustees
Olivia Hugh-Jones
Camilla King
Nathan Mercieca (Chair)
George Parris
James Synge (Treasurer)
Madeleine Tattersall
The Carice Singers is a Registered Charity,
no. 1170689.

Music Advisory Group
Daniel M. Grimley
Daniel Kidane
Annika Lindskog
Lodewijk van der Ree
Evelin Seppar